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Autism: Meltdowns and Moodiness Much Improved

One California mother said her five-year-oldson wasdiagnosed withautism two years before. She described her situation thusly: He used towake up bright-eyed around 5:30 AM. Then he would burnout’ from notenough sleep in the late afternoon or early evening. It was like hitting thewall. Crying. Meltdowns. Moodiness.

We have had him sleeping grounded and he now sleeps much moresoundly and for a fullten hours without waking up. He risesfeelingrefreshed and happy. I nowrealize that my son was just sleep deprived,whichweall know is an issue in itself. The sheet is wonderful. He is muchimproved, primarily due to the sheet along with dietary and environmentalchanges we have made.

Hardly anybody would know there are or have been autistic-type issueswith him. The only problems are a speech delay (about one and one-halfto two years behind his peers) and some residual allergies.

In addition to sleeping grounded, our son always goes barefooted. Heloves it. You shouldsee that kid run over our landscape rocks. He has feetof steel.

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