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I’m changed at the core

Moreover, her blood pressure numbers had dropped and were normalizing. I advised her to monitor her blood pressure carefully each day. She had been taking two blood pressure medications that another doctor had prescribed. Her blood pressure came down so fast that she was now able to take a much weaker prescription, and still maintain a normal blood pressure. Her fatigue and most of her other CFS symptoms vastly improved.

“Another CFS patient suffered with anxiety. Immediately after she grounded herself, she had a significant improvement in her anxiety, overall health, and energy. She described a sense of renewed connectedness to the Earth, to other around her, and to the absolute core of her being. She felt this connectedness so much when she was grounded that she took her bed pad with her to work. She slept on it at night and used it at her desk during the day. She said she was experiencing her deepest self, a new me, she called it, without all the worry, the fear, the anxiety, and the restless mind. I’m changed at the core.

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