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Haines,Alaska (population 2.,500)

Haines,surrounded by breathtaking mountains,glaciers,and waterways,attracts numerous visitors for fishing,hiking,heli-skiing,and,from, fall to February,the largest bald eagle concentration in the world.Earthing was introduced in 2012.Here is a sampling of experiences:

  • David Olerud suffered a severed spinal column in 1987 when a wall fellon him at a construction site.He was left a paraplegic,wheelchair-bound,and with “a dead lower body”as he puts it, Since he stared sleeping grounded, he has experienced improvement in bowel function,increased mobility in the hips and in one leg,and a greater ability to cause muscle contractions down to the kne After a few month, he began to take some unassisted steps with a walker for the first time since his accident. “These things may not sound like a big deal, but they are a big achievement for somebody in my condition,’ says 0lerud, a man with an inspiring, positive spirit, who leads an active life as the founder of the American Bald Eagle Foundation, a nature education project in Haines.
  • Janis and Shane Horton, proprietors of the “Eagle’s Nest Motel” put up a siroutside proclaiming “First in Nation: Earthing Room Available.” Typical commentfrom guests, they say, are: “Best sleep I’ve had in years” or ” woke up and mpain was gone . . . what a surprise.”
  • Tim Walter, proprietor of Haines Propane and a captain in the local volunteer firdepartment, suffered with constant pain since 1993 when he ruptured four vertebral discs. That, and a couple of hernias, made “every day a struggle,” he says” was extremely skeptical about Earthing, but after sleeping grounded a coupleof nights, my pain was 90 percent gone. lt’s been a year now and l am pretty much without pain. I’m still broken up inside, and if l overdo something in my work and get hurt, I heal very fast.”
  • Rocky Seward,laborer,and distant relative of William Seward, the secretary ofstate under Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson who negotiated the purchase of Alaska from Russia in 1867: “ suffered from real bad snoring, like a freight train, and also sleep apnea. I would wake up, choking for breath. I didn’t sleepwel for years and didn’t have good energy. I’m told 1 don’t snore anymore and I’m not bothered with the apnea.I sleep deep. I have plenty of energy during the  lt’s been a blessing for me.

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