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Earthing and Weight Loss? Maybe!

Do these results infer that Earthing can generate weight loss in humans? We can’t say. The prospect is certainly tantalizing. Imagine losing weight without doing anything. A dieter’s dream.


calories, who are increasingly sedentary, and who wear insulated running shoes from morning to night. For young people as well as for adults, the unholy trinity for metabolic syndrome, and the serious disorders it gives rise to, may thus be poor diet, lack of exercise, and lack of grounding. It is something to think about.

  • Metabolic syndrome is characterized by a group of metabolic risks thatinclude the following:
  • Excessive fat tissue in and around the abdomen.
  • Blood fat disorders–high triglycerides, low“healthy”HDLcholesterol and high “harmful”LDL cholesterol–that contribute to plaque buil-ups in arterial walls.
  • Elevated blood pressure.
  • Insulin resistance or glucose intolerance–conditions that interfere with the body’s ability to properly use insulin or blood sugar.
  • A tendency to form clots in the blood.
  • A pro-inflammatory state in the body,that is ,the presence of chemical substances associated with inflammation(such as elevated CRP).
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Abdominal obesity is one of the important factors characterizing metabolic syn-drome. While such obesity was not measured during the rat study above, the animals were weighed in at the first pretest day and then again at each monthly blood collection time.

The random difference in average weight between the two groups of “middle-aged” female rats at the beginning of the study was only1.2 percent (the ungrounded rodents happened to be insignificantly heavier at the start than the grounded animals) and then grew steadily each month to reach 3.7 percent after six months.

What the numbers mean is that the ungrounded group added an extra 2.6 percent in weight after six months. Both groups were fed the same type and quantity of food.

While the difference seems like a trifling amount, it translates to an extra five pounds for a person weighing 200 pounds. At that rate, the difference in weight could grow even larger over a lifetime.

The results, along with the biochemical differences cited in the study, suggest that the grounded rats function at a higher metabolic efficiency than ungrounded animals.

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