
Atrial Fibrillation

Imagine living with a heart that vibrates, quivers, and races rapidly and erratically instead of beating in a steady, comfortable, and predictable rhythm. Atrial fibrillation is the medical name for this condition, the most common arrhythmia of the heart. Every year, 2 million or so people are diagnosed with “atrial fib” or “a-fib,” as it …

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Wendy Saunders, Cincinnati, Ohio, mental health counselor

Wendy Saunders, Cincinnati, Ohio, mental health counselor: “I heard about Earthing several years ago and thought it might help improve my sleep. It didn’t even occur to me that it might help my PVCs. Out of curiosity, I started Earthing with a wristband. “At the time, I had been experiencing so many PVCs at night that …

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“Something is wrong with my heartbeat. Is it serious?” Every cardiologist and family practitioner hears this question from frightened patients. It usually refers to arrhythmias, a common occurrence involving an irregular heart rhythm. In essence, your heartbeat goes off cadence. Arrhythmias can range from simple skipped heartbeats called premature ventricular contractions, or PVCs, to the …


The Polish Experience

In Poland, cardiologist Karol Sokal and his neurosurgeon son Pawel have been documenting the various effect of grounding on the physiology for more than two decades. In a conversation with them, they shared the following details:   -We have seen good things with diabetes. We were able to withdraw insulin for some people because they achieved a reduction …

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Zeta Potential and Better Blood Flow

A fascinating 2008 study from the University of Calcutta in tie medical journal Biochimica et Biopysica Acta reported for the first time on the zeta potential of red blood cells in diabetics. It’s not a good picture.The researchers described “a remarkable alteration, specifically a progressive deterioration of zeta potential, most pronounced among diabetics with cardiovascular disease. The research …

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Aiding Glucose Control

Among other things, poorly regulated glucose causes diminished elasticity of red cells and an increased tendency to aggregate. The result: thicker blood, poorer blood flow. A growing awareness exists about the blood viscosity-cardiovascular disease connection, but the link between elevated viscosity and diabetes is largely overlooked even though it has been reported in more than fifty peer-reviewed scientific publications. Blood viscosity can …

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Reduction or inflammation

One main component of diabetes involves a scenario where excess fatty  tissue in the abdomen produces inflammatory chemicals that suppress insulin, a hormone that regulates the movement of sugar (glucose) in the cells. The body then becomes more resistant to insulin. This in turn produces more inflammatory chemicals and interference. Blood sugar rises. Add stress to the mix, and you further increase the level …

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