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Mary Mason, Haines City, Florida, retired oncologynurse:I suffered withbad back pain for twenty- five years.It was: something I had to live withbecause you can’t take narcotic painkillers and work with patients.Youhaveto be very clear-headed. So Tylenol was my drug of choice. That was it.

As a nurse, I was skeptical about this Earthing idea when I first heardabout it. But I decided to give it a try, and I’m sureglad I did. I’ve beensleping grounded for four years and wouldn’t think of sleping any othet way.Within two or three days,i noticed a difference.I remember calling my daughter at the end of the first week and telling her that my back wasn’t hurting anymore.

“I don’t have back pain as long as I sleep on the Earthing sheet.I use it religiously and take it with me no matter where I go. Nothing has ever worked for me like that. It has really helped my quality of life overall, and the older I get the more appreciative I am.

“From my perspective as someone who worked with ill patients for more than twenty-five years, I think that Earthing could help so many patients. You could eliminate many problems and speed the healing process. Today, they give you one pill for one thing and then another one for the side effects. And it goes on ad nauseam.Earthing could eliminate a lot of that. It could be extremely helpful in surgical recovery and chronic pain clinics.”

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