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The Polish Experience

In Poland, cardiologist Karol Sokal and his neurosurgeon son Pawel have been documenting the various effect of grounding on the physiology for more than two decades. In a conversation with them, they shared the following details:


-We have seen good things with diabetes. We were able to withdraw insulin for some people because they achieved a reduction in their blood sugar just from walking barefoot. We found that in some cases the combination of medication and grounding could even push the glucose level too low.

“Imagine telling someone that if you go barefoot you may be able to reduce or withdraw your insulin . . . or some other medication! Yet this is what we found. It all depends on the level of glucose as to whether and when you can cut out the medication or reduce it. With oral medication, we observed that some people with diabetes could walk barefoot and not need anti-diabetic drugs like Metformin.


“Here in Poland, you can’t go barefoot outside through the year. You have to wait until late spring

and summer. If people have stone or concrete floor in their homes, they can try to walk or sit barefooted on the floor. Doing that for a few hours a day, people are often able to reduce their medication within a few weeks. But not everybody can spend that kind of time barefoot, of course.


“One of our experiments with blood sugar showed that continuous grounding for three days and two nights was enough to decease the level of glucose in patients with diabetes. The result was on the basis of twelve volunteers, six of whom were grounded. Further research with more people would be needed to see at what point sustained grounding could achieve a decrease in glucose enough to recommend that a doctor reduce the medication dosage. Perhaps a minimum of three nights may be enough for some people.’

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