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Fairfield,lowa (population 9,464)

Fairfield lists some 500 businesses,reportedly more than any other American community its size,it is home to Maharishi University of Management and several thousand meditators.Since 2010,many have incorporated Earthing into their daily lifestyle,Their comments reveal the broad spectrum of Earthing benefits:

  • “I suffered with severe pain in my right arm due to many hours working on the computer.After a few days the pain was reduced significantly and doesn’t bother me anymore.
  • “I have Huntington’s disease and involuntary movements,after one month I slept better, bit my tongue less, and swallowed liquids easier.
  • “I used to sleep poorly because of the intense pain of rheumatoid arthritis.A month afterstarting Earthing, began sleeping better, and over time, deeper and more restful. My wrist and knee joints became less painful, with more mobility. My blood work (SED rate to measure inflammation), always in the 60-90 range, came down and most recently was at 29! This was the first time in five years I have been in the normal range.
  • “Iwas diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s). My sleep became erratic at best. My sister gave me a grounding sheet, and it really helped! 1 can easily go back to I also use a grounding mat at work and feel that this, along with diet, have helped me remain stable for the last year.”
  • “My intense hot flashes are about 90 percent gone since I started sleepinggrounded two months ago.”
  • “Earthing got rid of my PMS”
  • “ I am able to sleep and rest better, which has always been a problem because ofstress related to traumatic childhood abuse. I am happier.’
  • “I got an Earthing mat for my thirteen years old dog who had had a chronic infection in one eye for a year. I used eye drops, which worked temporarily, but thecondition would return. When he started sleeping grounded, the infection cleared up and didn’t return.”
  • “I noticed a profound reduction in chronic anxiety within a month. With less anxiety, my general mood has been more positive and optimistic. I feel happier.”

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